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Haifa International Airport (HFA)

Informācija par lidostu - Haifa International Airport, Izraēla

Apraksts Vērtība
(Starptautiskās gaisa transporta asociācijas kods)
Tips Vidējā lidosta
Vietējais lidostas kods -
GPS lidostas kods LLHA
Garums 32.809398651123
Platums 35.043098449707

Bildes pie Haifa International Airport, Izraēla

Лучи уходящего дня.. Sunset of the Judgement Day... The sun had set ... In the winter coat ... Qiryat Motzkin. Weizman street.
Terra Promissa Quay in Qiryat Yam. Qiryat Motzkin. Weizman street. The Lebeniot Kiryat Haim train station
Discount bank building Meadow VALLE DE LA DECISION Yagur, The Ottoman railway to the Hij'az, Yagur station 2, Israel Biblical water pit
Huzot Hamifratz mall Factories near Acres Entrance in a multi-storey apartment house Haifa's bare ground Near Tsipori - 3

Attēli Haifa International Airport
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Izraēla, Jeruzaleme